Incorporated: 1802 |
Origin: This town was originally the north parish of Rochester known as Three Ponds or Milton Mills. Located along the Maine border on the Salmon River, it was the location of several mills, and the scene of early manufacturing. Following the 1798 incorporation of the northwest parish as Farmington, Rochester's territory was over 20 miles long, making travel to the meetinghouse difficult, and the north parish was incorporated as Milton in 1802. The name Milton may have come from a relative of the Wentworths, William Fitzwilliam, Earl of Fitzwilliam and Viscount Milton. Milton's Mount Teneriffe was named in honor of the volcano on the Canary Islands. |
Villages and Place Names: Hayes Corner, Laskey Corner, Milton Mills, Town House |
Population, Year of the First Census Taken: 1005 residents in 1810 |
Population Trends: Population change for Milton totaled 2,624 over 50 years, from 1,859 in 1970 to 4,483 in 2020. The largest decennial percent change was a 51 percent increase from 1980 to 1990. The town's population decreased by three percent from 2010 to 2020. |
Population Density and Land Area: 2023 (US Census Bureau): 138.3 persons per square mile of land area. Milton contains 33 square miles of land area and 1.2 square miles of inland water area. |