Incorporated: 1768 |
Origin: This territory was first known as Number 1, the first in a line of border towns including area allotted to this state by Massachusetts upon establishment of New Hampshire as a separate province in 1741. The initial charter was granted in 1749 to William Lawrence and others. In 1768, Governor John Wentworth named it in honor of Captain John Mason, even though residents had voted to name their town Sharon a couple of months earlier. Captain Mason was the holder of patent with title to the land that became New Hampshire. Mason was the boyhood home of ""Uncle Sam,"" Samuel Wilson. |
Villages and Place Names: unknown |
Population, Year of the First Census Taken: 922 residents in 1790 |
Population Trends: Population change for Mason totaled 931 over 50 years, from 518 in 1970 to 1,449 in 2020. The largest decennial percent change was a 73 percent increase from 1980 to 1990. The town's population increased by five percent from 2010 to 2020. |
Population Density and Land Area: 2023 (US Census Bureau): 60.7 persons per square mile of land area. Mason contains 24 square miles of land area and 0 square miles of inland water area. |