Incorporated: 1804 |
Origin: This was the last town to be granted under the English provincial government. It was chartered by Governor John Wentworth on July 4, 1774, exactly two years prior to the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Those named in the grant included Jeremy Belknap, who authored an early history of the state, and for whom Belknap County was named. The town may have been named for George Whitefield, a famous English evangelist, and friend of the Earl of Dartmouth. The town was known as Whitefields until its incorporation in 1804, when the last letter was dropped. |
Villages and Place Names: Hazens |
Population, Year of the First Census Taken: 51 residents in 1810 |
Population Trends: Population change for Whitefield totaled 1,008 over 50 years, from 1,538 in 1970 to 2,546 in 2020. The largest decennial percent change was a 14 percent increase from 1980 to 1990. The town's population increased by ten percent from 2010 to 2020. |
Population Density and Land Area: 2023 (US Census Bureau): 73.7 persons per square mile of land area. Whitefield contains 34.3 square miles of land area and 0.4 square miles of inland water area. |