Incorporated: 1770 |
Origin: This territory was known as First Township, being the first that lay at ""Winepessocky,"" with Meredith being the second. In 1748, a grant was issued by the Masonian Proprietors to settlers from Hampton, Exeter, and Stratham, including 12 Sanborns, and so the town was named Sanbornton. The town was officially incorporated as such in 1770. The southern portion of town, known as Sanbornton Bridge, was the winter quarters for the colonial army during the 1746 Canada Expedition. In 1869, Sanbornton Bridge was incorporated as the town of Tilton. |
Villages and Place Names: Gaza, North Sanbornton, Chapel, Winnisquam |
Population, Year of the First Census Taken: 1587 residents in 1790 |
Population Trends: Population change for Sanbornton totaled 2,008 over 50 years, from 1,022 in 1970 to 3,030 in 2020. The largest decennial percent change was a 64 percent increase from 1970 to 1980. The town's population increased by two percent from 2010 to 2020. |
Population Density and Land Area: 2023 (US Census Bureau): 64.8 persons per square mile of land area. Sanbornton contains 47.3 square miles of land area and 2.4 square miles of inland water area. |